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قديم 08-04-2011, 11:34 PM   #1 (permalink)
عضو شرف
الصورة الرمزية *هاشم العلوي*
 العــضوية: 1922
تاريخ التسجيل: 18/01/2009
المشاركات: 531
الـجــنــس: ذكر
العمر: 30

افتراضي Culture media of the child

Culture media of the child

Writing - Hashim

Hello ,, My name is Hashim , I had a field of academic study media at King Saud University in Riyadh in 2003 and until 2008, began journalistic practice field in 2006 in the university newspaper, after graduation, worked in more than a Saudi newspaper

Tired a lot in the search for and post an official in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and then went to Al-Jazeera network in Qatar and began editing and writing television journalist and now I live in Qatar, I am very glad because I found my talents in the Al Jazeera Sports Channel

I remember specifically in the month of June 2010 began to enter the work environment sports

In the month of July was my first experience in writing television

I wrote a television episode duration of 25 minutes of the Group for Spain in World Cup 2010 And has won the admiration of many to be the first to write to me in the field of television

When I think of the former at the beginning of me to the TV I can not believe how you write a television so easily I did not expect that I own a lot of energy in myself

I knew something very important, it is easy to write about the TV picture after you have a culture and practice in the written press, but it is impossible to practice and learn the correct writing style television without the experience the written press

At the same time I would like to ask questions about the Saudi society

Why there are no centers interested in cards children and to develop their minds, until the preparation of a generation has an excellent culture incorrect, how to think and speak and enter into

Why there are no centers interested in cards children and to develop their minds, until the preparation of a generation Excellent has a culture incorrect, how to talk and Ihaoroa and think Baklohm with great regret that many people have always received their minds to those who claim knowledge we must produce a generation thinker cultured based on the same without the surrender of his mind to others can only be achieved by means of culture media


I'm sorry if there are clerical errors, because I am a beginner in English





نافذة على التاريخ - الجاسوس الأسطورة ( د/ ريتشارد سورج )


*هاشم العلوي* غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-04-2011, 11:56 AM   #2 (permalink)
خبيرة في التنمية البشرية
 العــضوية: 5529
تاريخ التسجيل: 17/09/2009
المشاركات: 3,872
الـجــنــس: أنثى


So great .. and all the small becomes large to continue .. more success Dear Hashim

* * *
كل صغيرة بالاستمرار تصبح كبيرة ..و إن الجبال من الحصى
لايوجد في الحياة رجل فاشل ، و لكن يوجد رجل بدأ من القاع وبقي فيه





لم يكتشف الطغاة بعد سلاسل تكبل العقول... اللورد توماس

نوره عبدالرحمن "سما" غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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