شبكة الدراما والمسرح الكويتية الخليجية > القاعات العامة والإدارية > القاعة الكبرى ( القضايا العامة وملتقى الاعضاء ) > تصفح الانترنت بحريه مع برنامج SurfAnonymousFree باصداره الاخير
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قديم 26-03-2011, 02:55 AM   #1 (permalink)
مجموعة التغطيات
 العــضوية: 13181
تاريخ التسجيل: 24/03/2011
المشاركات: 1,000
الـجــنــس: ذكر

افتراضي تصفح الانترنت بحريه مع برنامج SurfAnonymousFree باصداره الاخير

Surf Anonymous Free

اسم البرنامج:::::::::Surf Anonymous Free


معلومات عن البرنامج

Surf Anonymous Free - anonymizing your xxx surfing, hide your IP-address, thereby protecting you from the vulnerabilities associated with it. Surf Anonymous Free can connect to our servers and get a list of the most stable, fresh and fast-working IP, called a proxy. He then puts this information into your browser such as Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera. Your real IP-address and xxxxxxxx will be unavailable. Thus, you can browse the Internet with a fully hide the real IP. It's fast, easy and free! The overall objective of Surf Anonymous Free is to protect consumers from unsafe sites, to prevent the tracking and monitoring of network traffic, to hide IP-address of your computer that makes you as missing. Surf Anonymous Free fully automated. You do not need to be a computer genius to run and install it. Simply click on the Hide IP and fake IP-addresses will be appointed immediately. Button "Select xxxxxxxx", you can choose any country of your choice from the list of countries and then you will be assigned a fake IP address automatically from a designated country. Surf Anonymous Free guarantee 100% protection against any malicious programs, advertising, pop-ups and spam. It is compatible with Internet Explorer, FireFox, Opera, Maxthon, MyIE and all kinds of routers, firewalls, home networking, wireless networks, etc.

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كيف تعاتب صديقك دون أن تجرحه !! ذكرى القاعة الكبرى ( القضايا العامة وملتقى الاعضاء ) 14 01-08-2009 02:24 AM
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